This is a big question, sometimes my friends ask me. I always reply that your child can think even more than you can. They are smarter than you, they are active than you and they can think limitless.

Kids are like a plain paper, you can write what you want. You can teach them what you want. They learn what they see in you. They also observe the environment and act like what they see.

In research done in UC Berkeley, it is a proven fact that kids are smarter than an adult. Here is the quote from research:

If you combine the psychological and neurological evidence, it is hard to avoid concluding that babies are just plain smarter than we are, at least if being smart means being able to learn something new

The researcher Alison Gopnik is a leading psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley.

Also, it is very important to care for your child as per the situation since their birth and it is necessary for you to give them time so they can feel you, they can learn from you.

Our research shows that the attention of caring, nurturing grown-ups is extremely important for the learning of babies from birth. But we are doing nothing as a society to insure that children get that kind of attention,

researcher says

What is Limitless thinking

Limitless thinking means your child is learning from everything from their surroundings. If they are seeing flying birds they can think about birds with your help. If they are seeing cartoons they just think all the characters are real and they try to act like that. They saw something and they started drawing that. All these things come under limitless thinking.

Let your child think freely, just encourage them to think beyond the boundary, however, you have to observe them prevent from going in the wrong directions.

What a limitless and a thoughtful child can do?

I want to share some images with you that shows the thinking of a child that they have never seen in real life.

A Chemistry lab

One of our Kid (User) is six years old, named Ayushi. She is very good at conceptual art. He thinks a lot then draw it on paper. She created a Chemistry lab which has

  • Some test tubes
  • Flask
  • Pipes (lab tubes)
  • Gloves
  • Some different coloured chemicals are there in flask and test tubes

She has never seen a chemistry lab physically but she created it. Isn’t it amazing?

Assembles Robot

Kids are always crazy about the robots but again, Ayushi Tiwari conceptualized the assembled robot in line sketch

She created different parts of robot (on right) and then assembled robot (on left). You can’t say this is a very fine art but in Active Kiddie we see what is the thought process of a child.

In my views if you think of this creation, its good.

We have many more pictures of this kind that you can see on our social website ActiveKiddie

The above story is completely based on what I feel of parenting and the result is amazing. We have many children that are making beautiful arts and they are trending on our website.

Trending on our website means your creativity will get many views and can be liked by millions of users. So, come and share your creativity with us.

Many kids are coming to upload their creativity with us and they are getting gifts from us.

We would request you to upload your child’s creativity with us and get a chance to win exciting awards. Try this