Is your child creative?

We believe that every child is creative and they are more creative than an adult. It is important for the parents to give them a free hand to show their creativity.

When a child is creating something, parents need to encourage them to create more and more such stuff. We have launched Active Kiddie to encourage the creative children to show their creativity to the world.


The purpose of this website is to give the children a platform where they can upload their creativity and show it to the world.

We have created this platform to give a dedicated social media for children.

What is the minimum required age for it

We are not considering that a child less than 3 years can join the Active Kiddie. However, special cases may be treated specially.

The maximum age for the website is not defined, however, we are considering that a child can upload their creativity up till he/she is 12 years old.

How can they signup

Signup is a very easy with us. User needs to add username, Email, and password and they are ready to share their creativity with us.

About Contest

We are running a periodic contest where every child has a chance to win some exciting gift from us. This gift may include a mug with a child’s photo, Tshirts, or Amazon Boucher. There are some more gifts that our team is brainstorming on.

What Can a Kid do?

This is a complete social image repository having a functionality of following each other, like and comment on each others’ picture